1° Giorno: 22-03-2014 Italia – Istanbul :Ritrovo dei partecipanti in orario e luogo da stabilire e partenza in bus per l’aeroporto. Disbrigo delle formalità per l’imbarco e partenza in volo per Istanbul. Arrivo ed accoglienza in aeroporto. Trasferimento in albergo e sistemazione nella camera. Cena libera e pernottamento. 2° Giorno: […]
The content of this photographic research is the “REFLECTIONS”. The artist photographer tries to see through what the water, through pollution, reflects in a distorted, casual and extremely pictorial way, as if reality were melting. It’s as if they wanted to represent our dreams, our anguish and our anxieties. Dreaming […]
Our Region, in particular the “Piceno”, is a land rich in breathtaking landscapes, made unique by the skilled hands of those who work it, transform it, model it, making it close to human needs. With the attentive eye of the photographer and the use of the telephoto lens, these landscapes, […]
[slider_pro id=”31″] Photography is born of nature and its productive processes are linked to chemistry, in an alchemy that always allows you to capture the natural phenomenon of the refraction and reflection linked to light and time. It is respect for nature, or better still, the connection between the representation […]
[slider_pro id=”30″] Dino drew inspiration for this particular photographic study, entitled “Luminescence”, from the etymology of the word “Photo-graphy”, deriving from the Greek language and meaning “writing with light”. All the images included in this study have an extremely interesting graphic content, ranging from visionary dimensions to metropolitan compositions and […]